A Question of Origins

A Question of Origins, June 8

with special guest, Clarence Janzen

Evening Schedule

6:00 p.m. - "A Question of Origins"

 - break

 -  "Christianity at a Crossroads"

 - break

 - Q&A

Refreshments will be available throughout the evening. Books and other resources will be available for purchase from CMI.

Get Answers!

Does God exist?  How can anyone believe in religion when science has neither a need nor a place for God?  Is evolution happening today?  If God is a God of love, why do we suffer and die?

Creation Ministries International is coming to Victoria with answers to these important questions.  Come and hear Clarence Janzen expose the bankruptcy of the evolutionary myth.  You'll be amazed to see how weak the scientific evidence for evolution is.

This is an issue that affects everyone.  Evolution teaches us there is no need for God, there is no spiritual realm, and there is no afterlife.  According to the theory, spirituality is just an evolutionary trick of the mind!

The Bible gives a very different picture about the nature of these things.  At this presentation, you will learn how the scientific evidence, when properly understood, confirms the details of the biblical account. At the same time, we will answer many of the Big Questions.

About Clarence Janzen

Clarence was raised in a Christian home and was faithfully committed to their home church while growing up. While attending trade school, at the age of 19 years, he re-dedicated his life to love and serve God. Clarence has always believed in a literal 6-day creation because the inerrant Word of God was taught and modelled in his life from a very young age. However, within his first 10 years of teaching, he soon realized that many “churched” adults did not adhere to the authority of scripture, and instead, believed in a variety of theologies concerning creation. This conflict has devastating results for both adults and our youth. Clarence has a passion for teaching, and it is his desire to combine his love for science and the Word of God, and to teach as many adults and youth, that science really does support that the Bible is infallible.

Clarence is a retired high-school science teacher of 25 years, mostly teaching Biology and Chemistry at the senior level and lives in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia with his wife, Alayne.

BSc (Biology)
Bed (Secondary)
Jour Elecn (Journeyman Electrician Telecommunications)

Map & Directions

For more info see the event page on Creation.com